Your Children’s

Helping little beings grow into healthy adults.

By assessing the root cause of concern, using preventative measures and sharing information on how to support your children’s health naturally, we, together can create long-lasting health. By stripping away labels, I can treat each individual as the unique little human they are!

Building the health of one unique child
at a time.

I believe this world can become a better place by building the health of one unique child at a time. Bold statement? Yes! Think about this: children who are free from physical ailments and emotional and mental stress, can allow their spirits to flourish. Their internal compass can then guide them to do good. Be good. Create good in this world. For this world.

  • Meet Hillary

    Come! Sit down with me. Let’s connect. Learn a little bit about me - where I’ve been, where I’m going and what else I’m up to outside of my practice.

  • Learn about pedeatric care

    Learn what your child’s Naturopathic visits entail, what conditions/issues I love working with, and how I support you as parents.

  • First18

    My program designed to support babe’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being during their first 18 months of life.

  • Webinars

    Join me! I will be running webinar presentations in the coming months. The jist: 22 minutes of information followed by 30 minutes of Q and A.

Things I believe in!

  • My husband loves team sports. If you knew him, you would immediately know he’s a great team player. Me, I usually opt to go bang out a run by myself to feel rejuvenated. As much as my husband makes fun of me for flying solo, when it comes to your health, I am a big fan of team sport. Huge. I strongly believe in collaborative care to benefit you. I love working alongside, learning from and making my treatment plan for you stronger with the help of conventional medical doctors, psychologists, and physical medical practitioners. Let us work together to build a stronger you.

  • A mentor once proposed to me the idea that I can prioritize first myself, second relationship (with significant other), and third, the rest of your people (this includes children). At first, I looked at her like she had three heads… and as the years have gone on and three babies later, this has slowly started to make a lot of sense to me. So as much as I love working with your babies, big or small, I feel so strongly that we need to support you too! I feel honoured to play a role in your family’s health journey. Let’s talk.

Let’s work together!