Hillary Dinning Hillary Dinning

Oxalates and Autism

This past weekend Dr. Paul Anderson, spoke a lot about endogenous toxins – i.e. ‘toxins’ that are produced in the body. ‘Toxins’ because at the level some of these organic acids are at (although can be a non-event at ‘normal’ levels), can cause disruption in health if not eliminated properly. It got me thinking about how often I’ll see oxalate build up in a number of my patients with autism. Now…a wise (old…not so old actually!) man told us not to talk about oxalates online lol…however, I’m going for it!

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Hillary Dinning Hillary Dinning

Seasonal Allergies in Kiddos

Oy here comes the season (or soon-ish…depending on when this winter wonderland leaves us?!). The season of sneezes, itchy eyes, runny nose, red splotchy skin, and itch itch itch! This can lead to disrupted sleep, exacerbating other ailments such as asthma, and just down right discomfort for these Little Ones. Parents are left feeling a wee bit helpless and wondering what the heck to do? Reaching for anti-histamine medication at this point, makes sense! Yet it’s when we see that it’s only a band-aid solution, is when we want alternatives.

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