First18: Online Program

Naturopathic support for your babe’s first 18 months of their life.

Welcome to
the First18!

I am here to walk with you on your parenting journey. My name is Hillary Dinning and I’m a Naturopathic doctor focused on children’s health. My passion for supporting children comes from the idea that if we can support these little ones’ systems from day one, we will have thriving little brains and bodies growing into vibrant teens and healthy adults free of chronic health conditions. That’s bold, isn’t it? I know!

And I believe so strongly that this is true.

This belief is what has fuelled the development of the First18.

Parents, read on!

What is Included in the Program?

✓ A comprehensive look at the First18 months of life 

✓ 20+ hours of on-demand video content on topics such as Vaccinations, Developmental Milestones, Digestion, Skin and much more!  

✓ 10 downloadable documents 

✓ Created resources and tools throughout 

✓ Unlimited lifetime access 

What Does the Online Program Entail?

The First 18 includes four stages of support as you and your new babe grow together. At each stage, I have curated hours of on-demand videos, hand-outs and resources centred around key developmental milestones to ensure your new family is thriving! Read below to learn more on what is included and covered under each stage of the First18. Based on where you are at in your parenting journey, you can enroll in the entire program or choose to enroll in individual stages.

First Stage

Often times, the first three months is called the fourth trimester. This is because babe is waking up to the outside world while parents are enfolding into their new definition of family and learning how to…well….parent a tiny human! Amongst the feeling of total awe and amusement, this stage comes with lots of ups and downs, questions, late-night runs to the store for odds and ends, and more questions.

The online program includes:

  • How to build your trusted healthcare team

  • Developmental milestones to watch for

  • Digestion: how are the new pipes working?

  • What is the skin telling us?

  • Parents: remembering who you are!

  • Let’s talk vaccinations – 3 part series

  • And much more!


A Comprehensive guide to 0-8 weeks.
4+ Hours of on-demand video.
4 downloadable guides.
Resources and links to tools for babe!

Second Stage

In this time, babe is becoming a tiny human and growing out of their smunch face by the day! Development within the first 6 months is astounding - watching babe coo for the first time, potentially roll over, or even shed a smile! Their emotional needs develop along with their digestion, skin, sleep habits and more.

The online program includes:

  • Sleep: how best to support

  • Digestion: what the poop is going on?

  • Immune system: baby’s first fever and more!

  • Skin: what are we noticing and how to navigate support

  • Solid food introduction

  • Let’s talk vaccinations – 3 part series


A Comprehensive guide to 3-6 months.
4+ Hours of on-demand video.
4 downloadable guides.
Resources and links to tools for babe!

Getting into a groove, baby! And, here in lies more big changes. Babe will most likely start eating solid foods – one of the most important steps taken for their overall growth, development, and health. They may also enjoy a mad game of peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake… take your pick! They may also become more vocal and at this point, start to crawl, pulling themselves up on furniture and, oh my goodness, walking! Watch out world :)

The online program includes:

  • Developmental milestones: what is going on inside their little minds?

  • Digestion: Now what? Post solid food introduction

  • Getting daycare ready: immune and transition support

  • What is the skin telling us?

  • Let’s talk vaccinations – 3 part series

Third Stage


A comprehensive guide from 6-12 months.
4+ Hours of on-demand video.
3 downloadable guides.
Resources and links to tools for babe!

Fourth Stage

Baby, look at you go! At this point, babe may start to spend more time outside of the core family. This is a time to talk all things immune system, emotional development, and ongoing acute care. 

The online program includes:

  • Developmental milestones: I’m no longer a baby!

  • Behavioural tendencies: hints of independence?

  • Weaning off of breastfeeding

  • Let’s talk vaccinations - 3 part series

  • Sleep - how best to support

12 to 18 Months

A comprehensive guide from 12-18 months.
3+ Hours of on-demand video.
2 downloadable guides.
Resources and links to tools for babe!

Want to learn about individual topics?

Individual Topics Include:

  • Developmental Milestone bundle (4 seminars + 4 handouts)

  • Vaccination bundle (3 seminars + resources)

  • What is skin telling us (2 seminars)

  • Digestion bundle (2 seminars + 1 handout)

  • Behavioural Tendencies (1 seminar + 1 handout)

  • All handouts bundle (10 downloadable handouts)

Purchase individual information on key topics within the First 18 based on where you’re at in your parenting journey.

Common Questions.

Find out who the First18 was made for, and the best way to get started on your parenting journey with Naturopathic support!

  • For all parents and their little ones!

    It’s for those first time parents – this program can give you the opportunity to feel supported in your initial parenting journey.

    It’s for those second/third/fourth/fifth time parents looking for more information to support their little one’s foundation of health.

    It’s for those wanting structured checkpoints to check in about their children’s health.

    It’s for those wanting to feel supported to trust their own ability to raise healthy, strong and vibrant beings.

  • Join the First18 through the product page above and receive instant unlimited access!