First18: Online Program

Naturopathic support for your babe’s first 18 months of their life.

Welcome to
the First18!

I am here to walk with you on your parenting journey. My name is Hillary Dinning and I’m a naturopathic doctor focused on children’s health. My passion for supporting children comes from the idea that if we can support these little ones’ systems from day one, we will have thriving little brains and bodies growing into vibrant teens and healthy adults free of chronic health conditions. That’s bold, isn’t it? I know!

And I believe so strongly that this is true.

This belief is what has fuelled the development of the First18.

Parents, read on!

First18: Online Program
One time

Get full access to the entire First18 online program, including access to all Four Stages, all on-demand videos, downloadable documents and resources for you and babe to support your family on this parenting journey!

✓ A Comprehensive look at the First18 months of life
✓ 20+ hours of on-demand video content
✓ 10 Downloadable documents
✓ Curated resources and tools througout
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

The First18 Stages:

First18: Online Program
One time

Get full access to the entire First18 online program, including access to all Four Stages, all on-demand videos, downloadable documents and resources for you and babe to support your family on this parenting journey!

✓ A Comprehensive look at the First18 months of life
✓ 20+ hours of on-demand video content
✓ 10 Downloadable documents
✓ Curated resources and tools througout
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
First18: First Stage
One time

The First Stage of the First18: Online Program is a comprehensive look at the First 8 Weeks of babes life. In this stage we go through everything from building your healthcare team, to developmental milestones to vaccinations!

✓ A comprehensive look at 0-8 Weeks
✓ 4+ hours of on-demand video content
✓ 3 Downloadable handouts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
First18: Second Stage
One time

The Second Stage of the First18: Online Program is a comprehensive look at the First 6 Months of babes life. In this stage we go through everything from developmental milestones, digestion, sleep, to the immune system!

✓ A comprehensive look at 3-6 Months
✓ 3+ hours of on-demand video content
✓ 3 Downloadable handouts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
First18: Third Stage
One time

The Third Stage of the First18: Online Program is a comprehensive look at age 6-12 months of babes life. In this stage, we go through a new batch of Developmental milestones, sleep guidelines, introduction to solid foods and much more!

✓ A comprehensive look at 6-12 months old
✓ 4+ hours of on-demand video content
✓ 3 Downloadable handouts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
First18: Fourth Stage
One time

The Fourth Stage of the First18: Online Program is a comprehensive look at age 12-18 months of babes life. In this stage, we navigate more transition! Developmental milestones, Digestion, Solid foods and getting Daycare Ready!

✓ A comprehensive look at 12-18 months old
✓ 4+ hours of on-demand video content
✓ 3 Downloadable handouts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

The First18 Bundles:

Let's Talk Vaccinations
One time

This 3 part webinar series will give you structure around your decision making process and feeling empowered by knowledge about your decision on this topic.

✓ 3 seminars on all things Vaccinations
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Developmental Milestones
One time

In the Developmental Milestones bundle, we go through key milestones in each stage of growth - the First 8 weeks, 3-6 months, 6-12 months and 12-18 months.

✓ 4 on-demand seminars on key developmental milestones
✓ 4 downloadable handouts
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
What is the Skin Telling Us
One time

Let's go through all things babe's skin! In this bundle, you will receive access to two seminars that cover key information on babe's skin.

✓ 2 seminars on babe's skin
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Handouts Bundle
One time

This bundle includes all 10 downloadable guides included in the First18 online program!

✓ 10 Downloadable Handouts
✓ Resources on topics from Development to Solid foods.
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Digestion Bundle
One time

This bundle focuses on all things digestion for babe. From gut health to formula vs breast milk.

✓ 2 seminars on digestion in babe's
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
Immune System
One time

In this seminar, we talk about babe's immune system from 0-12 weeks.

✓ Immune system seminar from 0-12 months
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Common Questions.

Find out who the First18 was made for, and the best way to get started on your parenting journey with Naturopathic support!

  • For all parents and their little ones!

    It’s for those first time parents – this program can give you the opportunity to feel supported in your initial parenting journey.

    It’s for those second/third/fourth/fifth time parents looking for more information to support their little one’s foundation of health.

    It’s for those wanting structured checkpoints to check in about their children’s health.

    It’s for those wanting to feel supported to trust their own ability to raise healthy, strong and vibrant beings.

  • Join the First18 through the product page above and receive instant unlimited access!